Class of 1970 Commemorative Biographical Book


Address: 51 Skagit Key, Bellevue, WA 98006 Email: ● ● Phone: H: 425-644-1118 ● C: 206-251-1118

Alma mater: Johns Hopkins University, 1967

Postgraduate Training/Certification: Surgical Internship: University of Washington (UW), 1970-71 Surgical Resident: Swedish Hospital Med Center, 1971-72 Neurology Resident: UW, 1972-73

Otolaryngology Resident: UW, 1973-76 Board certification: Otolaryngology, 1976

Current Employment: Retired from private practice of Otolaryngology and Head

and Neck Surgery, Renton, WA, 1976-2015 Clinical Associate Professor of Oto-HNS, UW.

heard that I had played violin and was all over me to get my parents to send my instrument. So, after a seven-year hiatus, I played string quartets with other medical students. Then there was another seven-year hiatus until after residency, when I picked it up again and played with two buddies as a piano trio for the next twenty years, mostly for our own enjoyment but with a few gigs along the way. An additional musical adventure at the John was to sing catches (i.e., rounds with attitude) with Paul Hinkes and Paul Eisenbarth. More recently, I’ve been singing in a barbershop chorus (same four parts as a BBS quartet, just more people) for the past fifteen years. Last year, we placed twelfth in our international-championship contest. My other singing “job” is to lead the morning service (Shacharit) in our synagogue on the High Holidays each year. Our beloved cantor emeritus had been doing so but had decided he no longer wanted to continue, and I was asked to learn it. It’s been my honor to be able to serve in that role, now for more than thirty years. Along the way, I’ve served on the boards and chaired committees for the Seattle Jewish Federation and for our Jewish Day School. I’m now happily retired. Being able to read the whole newspaper in the morning is a treat. We’ve been traveling a lot, just to see/do/learn, and (not often enough) to see the grandkids. Marilyn and I enjoy good health and stay physically active. We’ve been riding a tandem bike for almost thirty years and have taken a number of trips with it, most notably to Provence and to the Canadian Rockies. Gotta admit we’re not riding as far as we used to, nor skiing as aggressively as in days gone by. Along with physical exertion, we exercise mentally at the bridge table with friends.

Spouse or Partner’s Name: Marilyn Caplan

Name(s) of Children and Grandchildren: Children: Rob and Adam Caplan Grandchildren: Halley (15), Malea (12), Aveen (3) who unfortunately don’t live here! Narrative: I had been a chem major at the UW, and in my last year there, would have been studying such topics as “Enthalpy of the Vaporization Reaction Below Absolute Zero.” As much as that might have been enlightening, it was indeed more valuable and enjoyable to be at Johns Hopkins University as a Year I, where I could take courses on Shakespeare, American History, etc. Marilyn joined me between Years I and II, and we lived in the Compound before moving to Sarril-Relcrest along with lots of classmates. Rob arrived the summer before Year V. Once he was crawling, he would make his way across the landing to visit Bob Adler and Paul Hinkes. I’m not sure who entertained whom more. We returned to Seattle for internship and residency and have been here ever since. I enjoyed practicing in a large-ish community hospital, comfortably close to academic centers with the most- sophisticated tertiary support. My special interest was sinus surgery. In 1986, JHU put on a course on the then-new-since- then-standard method of using endoscopes, and three of us fromWashington attended. The following year, the chief at UW put on a course locally and invited me to help proctor the lab sessions. This was an annual event for many years. During Year V, Dr. Bueding of anti-helminthic fame somehow


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