Class of 1970 Commemorative Biographical Book
S T E P H E N K A R A S Address: 1004 Havenhurst Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037 Email: ● Phone: H: 858-459-7001 ● C: 619-227-2781
Alma mater: Yale University, 1966
Postgraduate Training/Certification: American Board of Emergency Medicine Professional and Volunteer Awards and Recognition: TNTC
Current Employment: Tri-City Emergency Medical Group, Tri-City Hospital in Oceanside, CA
A great career in emergency medicine - still in active practice now. A brand-new medical specialty How have you changed since medical school? As I get older, I began to recognize the importance of human interaction and enjoy more patient care and patient interaction and appreciate my wonderful family. If so inclined, please feel free to share your passions, family stories, life experiences or even simple words of wisdom. We have been incredibly fortunate to go to Hopkins and spend four intense years of learning in an environment of unbelievable freedom to explore medicine in the way we wanted to go. Support, encouragement, teaching and mind- opening to the world of modern medicine. Armed with this mindset, we have gone forth for 50 years of exploration and accomplishment, learning more and doing much to help advance medicine and patient care. Just think about it. Modern medicine started with Osler in the early 1900’s with his start of an internal medicine residency which led to the beginning of critical scientific thinking in medicine. Seventy years later we entered medicine and we have been involved for 50 years. 120 years of modern medicine and we have been privileged to participate in the advancements of medicine for 41.6% of the whole history of modern medicine: Certainly, technology and other advancements have accelerated so much faster in the last few years. Hopefully, each one of us have found our purpose in life and hope this incredible time has been helpful to us to find that purpose. Osler in one of his books spoke about equanimity which means mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. He approached patients in that way and they felt relieved and calmed and knew they had the best doctor. In the same way in life we should try to go forward with equanimity and the world will be better.
Spouse or Partner’s Name: Candy Karas
Name(s) of Children and Grandchildren: Jason, Nicole and granddaughter Camille born July 13, 2019 Narrative: What was your most memorable moment from medical school? When a group from our class in 1968 drove all night from Baltimore to North Carolina where the next morning on the Outer Banks we were able to take specimens from a dead whale and I was able to locate the heart under two feet of blubber under the left flipper and bring the 50 lb. heart back to Hopkins for further research. Earlier that evening Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles as we were driving to the Outer Banks. Later that year I went to Vietnam for three months on a free quarter to return around the world to London when the Apollo 11 circled the moon. An exciting and mixed year. What highlights have you experienced since graduating in 1970? Graduating, then being drafted and then meeting Candy Barr – Ron’s sister and marrying her in 1972. Two wonderful children, Nicole in 1975 and Jason in 1977, a new daughter- in-law Marissa and having our first grandchild Camille on July 13, 2019. Three wonderful Labs – Taffy, Tanner and Hogan died 6/13/2019.
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